This is part of Artbase, a project I have been working on in Lowestoft. Myself and Jemma Watts have been working in 3 different schools running family creative learning workshops. There is a blog about this school's project here
Love this picture (above) taken by Libby Waite, the Marketing officer at Norwich Puppet Theatre. This is BEFORE everyone arrives. I like making the spaces enticing and curious, without being precious about it. Once everyone was in and got started, there was a very industrious atmosphere. Everybody was busy exploring, making, creating and playing. We transformed the rows of boxes into a bustling city with roads, traffic lights, car parks, railways and volcanoes (!?) I had the pleasure this week of visiting The Parkside School in Norwich during their arts week. There was loads of activities going on. I worked with 4 groups on expressive mark making. I took them through some warm up activities before we started on the BIG painting. There was sponging, scraping, dragging, smearing and of course squirting and dribbling paint. All the groups thoroughly explored the potential of paint and enjoyed the complicité of making a group piece. We made time lapses films of the painting which I will hopefully be able to post here later. I was very lucky to be in a room that had wipe clean walls and a very accommodating teacher, as we made quite a mess!
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