(And they make a mean bacon and sausage sandwich at snack time too!)
What a fine tower, not wafty at all but a sturdy bit of team work executed by the members of Just4Dads, a weekly stay and play session for dads and their preschool children. There was a teeny bit of competitiveness which was actively encouraged and the result was the tallest tower built... so far. (And they make a mean bacon and sausage sandwich at snack time too!)
Met such lovely people at GFS in Great Yarmouth today. Everyone was really up for playing, chatting and experimenting. It felt like a really positive start to a project. Next week we will be visiting the TIme and Tide Museum to see the Art+Play exhibition there. It is an interactive exhibition made with young children and their families in mind. One of the things I like about it most is that lots of the exhibits are made using familiar domestic objects like washing up sponges, elastic bands, hot water bottles. Today we had loads of fun with about 50 washing up sponges; we bounced, threw and stacked, anything except actually washing up with them. Who knew they could be so much fun!
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